Articles and More
Pain Hyperacusis: What patients say and what audiologists say
By Dr. Kelly Jahn Hyperacusis Research spoke with one of our scientific advisors, Kelly Jahn, AuD, PhD, of The University of Texas at Dallas, who recently published two important papers: One on the variability in hyperacusis knowledge by audiologists and one...
New paper on hyperacusis subtypes from Kelly Jahn
Dr. Kelly Jahn of the University of Texas at Dallas and co-authors have published a new paper in the February 2025 issue of The Journal of Pain entitled "Clinical phenotype and management of sound-induced pain: Insights from adults with pain hyperacusis." Dr. Jahn is...
New Video: Introduction to Hyperacusis Research
"An icepick or razor scraping their ear canal." Kelly Jahn, PhD, and Megan Beers Wood, PhD, discuss their work in our new fundraising video. Kelly notes that, in her survey, every single patient reported "a lack of empathy and support" from people in their lives and...
The smallest pot’s lid: poem about hyperacusis by Berthina Kayembe
Berthina Kayembe, from Norway, has struggled with hyperacusis for five years. She has written this touching poem, which we are glad to share. “As a singer and guitarist, it’s been heartbreaking to put my music aside,” Berthina says. “I’ve begun to find a new creative...
2025 Hyperacusis Research Grant Awarded to Manoj Kumar
The recipient of our next Hyperacusis Research research grant is Manoj Kumar, Ph.D.! Dr. Kumar, an assistant professor of otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh, will be researching the KCNQ2/3 potassium channel as it relates to the mitigation of...
Noelle Foley awareness and fundraising for hyperacusis
Noelle Foley is a social media influencer, interviewer and WWE personality. She experienced hyperacusis beginning five years ago after suffering a head and neck injury. We are grateful for Noelle's continued support in raising awareness for hyperacusis. If you or...
Hyperacusis Card
Our friends at Hyperacusis Central have developed an online tool to create and print a customized card that can be handed to people to explain about the difficulties of tolerating sound, and the actions they should take to help the patient. This card could be used...
Felipe’s story: “We are handicapped, and I would rather act accordingly than suffer for no reason. The more I recognize what hurts me and what does not, the better I can go through life.”
Felipe, a doctoral student in philosophy and a native Spanish speaker, lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with his wife Bianca. What I want to say to you is this: I know the pain. I know the pain you go through every day and I know what it is to hurt your loved ones...
$37,500 Matching Donor Challenge
A generous donor will contribute up to $37,500 to Hyperacusis Research as a challenge match. If we can raise $37,500 by the end of the year, the donor will give another $37,500 which will mean a total of $75,000 in new funding for research to find a cure for...