Mission and Milestones
Hyperacusis Research Limited, Inc. is dedicated to improving the quality of life for patients who suffer from hyperacusis and hyperacusis-related disorders. Central to the mission of the organization is facilitating and supporting biomedical research which will lead to novel, effective therapies for the treatment of hyperacusis. The activities of Hyperacusis Research Limited, Inc. are based on the belief that collaboration across disciplines is essential for better understanding of hyperacusis and for the development of effective treatments. Through its grant program Hyperacusis Research Limited, Inc. is supporting innovative research projects across borders and disciplines. Special emphasis is placed on collaboration and knowledge sharing between supported individuals and institutions. See the outline below for a summary of our key milestones.
Hyperacusis Research Milestones
- Hyperacusis Research Limited incorporated as a 501c3 non-profit in Massachusetts.
- Hyperacusis Research attended the Hearing Health Summit and initiated partnership with the Hearing Health Foundation (HHF).
- Hyperacusis Research partnered with HHF to sponsor a grant for a comprehensive hyperacusis literature review. Results were published in the December, 2014 American Journal of Audiology.
- Hyperacusis Research initiated discussions with ear experts on critical needs to advance research.
- Hyperacusis Research participated in the first Hyperacusis Workshop at the 2103 Association for Research in Ontolaryngology (ARO) Midwinter Meeting.
- First Miniature Golf fundraiser held in Massachusetts.
- The ABC News program 20/20 featured a hyperacusis story: “On the Quest for Silence: Living With Hyperacusis.” The New York Times featured an article titled “When Everyday Noise is Unbearable.”
- Hyperacusis Research sponsors a HHF Emerging Research Grant on hyperacusis mechanisms.
- Hyperacusis Research sponsors “Roadmap to a Cure” event at the 2015 (ARO) Midwinter Meeting.
- Hyperacusis Research featured in syndicated news story: “Hyperacusis: When Hearing Hurts.”
- Hyperacusis Research sponsors a HHF Emerging Research Grant on Hyperacusis pain mechanisms.
- Boston area fundraising dinner raises more than $20,000.
- Hyperacusis highlighted in the “Auditory Nociception and Pain Hyperacusis” symposium at the 2016 (ARO) Midwinter Meeting.
- Hyperacusis featured in a USA Today story on workplace noise injury
- Hyperacusis Research sponsors a HHF Emerging Research Grant on conductive hyperacusis with Massachusetts Eye and Ear
- Hyperacusis Research sponsors the next steps for a cure collaboration event at the 2017 (ARO) Midwinter Meeting.
- Hyperacusis Research presents at the Annual International Conference on the Management of the Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Patient.
- Hyperacusis Research sponsors two HHF Emerging Research Grants:
– Mass Eye and Ear’s research of brain hyperexcitability and reduced sound level tolerance after auditory nerve degeneration
– University at Buffalo’s research to develop an Auditory Nociception test for hyperacusis with pain - Hyperacusis highlighted at the 8th annual Sense-ation! Gala for Mass Eye and Ear
- Cure4Cindy video released with stories featured in People Magazine and the DailyMail
- Hyperacusis Research held meetings to facilitate sharing and discussion of progress to find a cure for hyperacusis at the 2018 (ARO) Midwinter Meeting.
- Hyperacusis Research presented at the Annual International Conference on the Management of the Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Patient.
- Hyperacusis Research sponsored an HHF Emerging Research Grant
- Hyperacusis Research collaborated with the University of South Florida to win an NIH grant to fund a clinical trial for a novel hyperacusis device
- Hyperacusis Research sponsored an HHF Emerging Research Grant that went to Dr. David Martinelli of the University of Connecticut Health Center
- Bryan Pollard, President of Hyperacusis, published an article in the Hearing Journal on advancements for managing pain hyperacusis
- Bryan discussed hyperacusis on a podcast with Tinnitus Talk
- Fall fundraising dinner held in the Boston area, with Professor Charlie Liberman of Harvard Medical School as the featured speaker
- Just before Covid struck, Hyperacusis Research participated in the 2020 (ARO) Midwinter Meeting, which included a medical doctor discussing his insights into his wife’s medical journal with hyperacusis, Dr. Brian Earl of the University of Cincinnati describing his work training audiology students about hyperacusis, Dr. Richard Salvi of the University at Buffalo discussing animal models of hyperacusis, Dr. Megan Beers Wood of Johns Hopkins University discussing how damage to Type II afferent neurons may be responsible for hyperacusis ear pain, and Dr. Ben Auerbach of the University of Illinois spoke about his work with hypersensitivity in autism.
- Hyperacusis Research presented a free benefit webinar with featured speakers Arnaud Norena of Aix-Marseille University in Marseille, France and Megan Beers Wood of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland
- Zachary Williams of Vanderbilt University published a paper comparing the clinical features of loudness and pain hyperacusis using patient-reported data from Hyperacusis Research
- Hyperacusis Research sponsored an HHF Emerging Research Grant that went to Dr. Megan Beers Wood of Johns Hopkins University
- The Board of Directors of Hyperacusis Research named Michael Maholchic as President, due to health challenges faced by Bryan Pollard
Roadmap to a Cure
In 2015, Hyperacusis Research worked with 18 researchers from around the world to create the first comprehensive Roadmap to a Cure for Hyperacusis. For more details on the roadmap below check out our summary report.