Hyperacusis Research partnered with the author of this story in USA Today which features Jeff Ammon telling his challenging story of noise injury including severe hyperacsuis.
“Eight years ago, Jeff Ammon, now 55, began noticing a feeling of pressure in his ears every day after work.
Over the next months, when his symptoms progressed into a slight loss of hearing and sensitivity to noise, he became worried. Ammon, a construction worker for 32 years, eventually started wearing ear protection hoping this would address these complaints – but it was too late.”
Read the rest of the story.
I’m on long term disability because of my work injury. Dealing with the insurance company is not easy their pushing me back to work twisting my words around. Because I want to go back to work I didn’t put up a fight. My doctor and therapist are supportive and are going with what I tell them so it’s my decision when it comes down to it. I’m willing to try. It’s a modified return to work program with minimum hours a couple times a week with many restrictions. The day I have a setback will be my last day. I’m guessing I will not last long.