Professional racing champion Wolfgang Reip has announced he suffers from severe hyperacusis as the result of several acoustic traumas during his racing career.

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If you have hyperacusis, start here. This is your chance to have a real influence in helping researchers understand life with hyperacusis.

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We are a non-profit charity dedicated to the development of effective treatments for hyperacusis and to funding research which will eliminate the underlying mechanisms that cause hyperacusis.

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Sufferers are from all walks of life. Hyperacusis often has a significant impact on every part of a person’s life, from their work, their home environment, and virtually every social setting.

$37,500 Matching Donor Challenge

$37,500 Matching Donor Challenge

A generous donor will contribute up to $37,500 to Hyperacusis Research as a challenge match. If we can raise $37,500 by the end of the year, the donor will give another $37,500 which will mean a total of $75,000 in new funding for research to find a cure for...

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