Nov 18, 2016 | All Articles, Featured, Partner Update
We’re Partnering with The Mighty! We are happy to announce our partnership with The Mighty. The Mighty is a story-based health community focused on improving the lives of people facing disease and disability, including chronic pain conditions and rare disorders.
Oct 15, 2016 | All Articles, Featured, News Updates
Our second Hyperacusis Research Boston-area fundraising dinner was a great success! We raised over $17,000 for research and had a broad range of attendees. Bryan Pollard, President of Hyperacusis Research, started the event by giving the attendees a Noise IQ
Sep 18, 2016 | All Articles, Featured, News Updates, Reduced Noise Products
Hyperacusis Research partnered with the author of this story in USA Today which features Jeff Ammon telling his challenging story of noise injury including severe hyperacsuis. “Eight years ago, Jeff Ammon, now 55, began noticing a feeling of pressure in his ears every...
Sep 18, 2016 | All Articles, News Updates
“I’ve been badly beaten twice, so far, today. I have hyperacusis. I am autistic, so my senses have always worked a bit differently from most people. I have been chronically ill for the past few years, and it seemed to have amplified some of my senses. With this...
Sep 18, 2016 | All Articles, Featured, News Updates, Reduced Noise Products
In a recent issue of Tinnitus Today, Bryan Pollard and Daniel Fink, M.D., discuss this question: What IS a safe noise level? When does noise exposure start causing hearing loss? The answer to this question underlies a renewed effort to protect the hearing of everyone.
Jul 22, 2016 | All Articles, Featured, Research News
Along with our partner, the Hearing Health Foundation, we are excited to announce our Emerging Research Grant for this 2016. It goes to Xiying Guan, Ph.D., of the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary and Harvard Medical School. He will be studying hyperacusis caused...