In a moving documentary, Anthony Ochoa describes the many ways his life has been altered by hyperacusis. Anthony lives in Los Angeles and works as an audio engineer. Watch as Anthony describes how even his own voice can hurt his ears and see how he manages life in this noisy world with hyperacusis. Also learn about the sound generators Anthony is using for sound therapy in an attempt to improve his condition. This film was produced by Juliana Sakae at the New York Film Academy and it was edited by Raed Salagoor.
no pun intended but i ‘hear’ Mr. Ochoa’s message loud and clear. I was diagnosed with hyperacusis in 2010 and resigned to live with it until today, 11 hrs ago I experienced the worst assault yet on my head/ears most times i simply walk away,find some relief somewhere or it just diminishes a bit waiting for the next assault.It hasn’t and i fear it won’t so tonight I have decided to sign in to Buffalo clinic 1hr drive from my extremely noisy daily existence if only to find a sympathetic ear and spend some time with a person or people who know what i’m talking about. something like A A for alcoholics I guess, except that they are in ‘good’ company.I have never met anyone who knows what hyperacusis is,I get a little look of sympathy and within minutes loud high pitched talking slamming doors,etc. tinnitus yes,people have heard of that and some have it. i have that as well but i have and could live with that. Onward to Buffalo!
i have severe hyperacusis if you’re interested in reasearching someone
Thanks for the video. It meant a great deal to find it expressed so well. I used to love opera and classical music but am slowly giving that up for silence. Sometimes at low levels I can enjoy it, but no live concerts. I may try going to a concert or ball game with the ear protectors I use for lawn mowers. One thing that I need to say is that there is really no way that loud sounds caused this problem. People in war time lose their hearing because of loud sounds. They do not become more sensitive. Never hear war stories of Hyperacusis coming on. Fatigue does intensify my problem, but one has to exercise some in life and I don’t know any thing that really helps outside of ear protectors. White and Pink noise generators just cause me more fatigue. I am 75 and have had it for about two years. It is most likely in the nerves from the inner ear or the brain itself.
I know the pains of hyperacusis. I,too became a victim for about 5 years.I met Anthony over a year ago and since then,have tried being a friend and minister to him.I found my way out of the grip of this malady and now hold the hand of my dear friend to help,him out as well.What can be done about such a mysterious illness? I used the preferred protocols that were given to me but ,time stood still.Spending time in constant hope, that pain would relent for just a while.My desire is for Anthony’s testimony here ,become a precurser to something better.May he follow this up with a victory over his enemy. I know that I will remain a faithful friend up until that day…and beyond.
Thanks for the review. How did you get out of the grip of hyperacusis? Much appreciated!
Thank you for this video. When I was a baby my half sister and her husband thought it would be funny to fire a hunting rifle by my ear. I grew up with extremely sensitive hearing, ear pain and frequent vertigo. I was later diagnosed with bilateral Meniere’s, hyperacousis, daily headache and migraine, Patulous Eustachian Tube, epilepsy, transient aphasia. I have frontal lobe damage. My lovely family continues to bring extreme noise and loud into my life, and judgment… very understanding from 2 medical professionals. I hope no one ever tells you you are making excuses for not doing things. Or sees you getting stuff done {because you are pushing yourself} and then gives you a problem on days you can’t. I am getting no help from anyone and I’m way over it. I’ve been to more than one therapist/psychiatrist. Several ENTs.
Thanks for your time. Peace and Silence. Love and Light.
OMG!!!! Your family sounds insane. Who would do that near anyone let alone a child.
I’m sorry. They are disgusting.
Love and Light
I am living proof as well as others, that it is POSSIBLE to get Hyperacusis from a noise injury. I have been suffering from this horrible malady for 4 1/2 yrs. The cause an enclosed MRI that was simply too loud. I had 30 decibel hearing protection as well. I have have had open MRI’s and did not experience anything unusual. I also have chronic T, both reactive and kindling with regular environmental sound. The burning pain has subsided. I still get some discomfort, but the main issues are amplified hearing and T. Wishing you all the best and a complete recovery Anthony!
Your family is lucky you didn’t sue them. I am so sorry.
I have had it going on thirty years. Ive had do many ent tests where they insist on these painful tests only to get paid knowing that there is nothing they can do for me im so angry about this hypocritical profit motive of the so called health industry. I have lost everything , my home, my friends, my dignity, and most recently a sincere desire to die. I cant take it any more. I went on go fund me to potentially get the aids which cost aprox $5000 . I live on Medicaid which for me is devastating bc i was a high ambition type person operating two community type businesses. Gone all gone. My sons are embarrassed by me and i have been treated like an idiot by society. I would guess at least 50% of all homeless people suffer with this. My go fund me page raised *$139 . I promised if i got help i would help others that are homeless if i received donations. But to no avail . If i come off negative its bc i am . Im at my wts end l
Your comment broke my heart. Anyone with Hyperacusis can join us at
I have all the symptoms which have been described. I too have the same feeling of “this will never end, the hyperacusis”. I go to our church often and just pray that some day there will be a miracle. This has been going on now for some one and a half years. The hyperacusis is not as bad as initially, but is still so aggravating. I too feel a sense of hopelessness and feel insecure and have great trouble in communicating. No movies, no concerts, nothing of a loud noise. And I am a sports freak. Often people just do not understand what I am going thru or what hyperacusis is and sometimes laugh at me. And look at me, saying to themselves of what is the matter with that dummy. We must continue our faith.
Dear Mister Ochoa.
It’s me! Paul Howard Duran!
Robby Duran’s brother.
I saw the video. It pains my heart to know what you have been through, near to tears.
I never forgot, you invited me to your place, and you made me a cassette from many of my record albums.
You had a recording studio in your place!
I am still making sound effects.
I have been using stereo voice recorders, recording rain, winds, birds, city sounds, night time sounds, dawn sounds, traffic sounds, etcetera!
Then I copy onto CD-R’s!
I have over five hundred discs!