Dec 24, 2015 | All Articles, Featured, Research News
An important function of Hyperacusis Research is to accelerate research by connecting researchers to the challenges of patients’ hyperacusis condition including noise-induced pain. We meet with researchers regularly to discuss the planned research and probe to see how...
Dec 20, 2015 | All Articles, Featured, Research News
Hyperacusis Research was grateful for this comprehensive review of the Second International Conference on Hyperacusis which was summarized by Iver Juster, MD. The summary provides insights into vital hyperacusis topics and offers an excellent analysis of possible...
Oct 23, 2015 | All Articles, Featured, News Updates
Our Hyperacusis Research Boston-area fundraising dinner was a great success! We exceeded our goal to raise $20,000 for research (with more funds still coming in). After welcoming the 80 people who attended, the sponsors, Michael and Betsy Maholchic, showed a video...
Sep 19, 2015 | All Articles, Patient Stories
On February 28, 2014, when my ear started ringing out of nowhere, my life was changed forever. That night I first started to notice signs that I had hyperacusis. I’ve thought long and hard about this night and the days that followed trying to piece together how...
Sep 4, 2015 | All Articles, Featured, Research News
Hyperacusis Research is excited to fund two Emerging Research Grants for the Hearing Health Foundation’s 2015 grant cycle. The first grant covers the important topic of pain mechanisms associated with hyperacusis while the second grant investigates mechanisms...
Aug 2, 2015 | All Articles, Featured, Research News
Hyperacusis Research was excited to participate in the Association for Research in Otolaryngology’s Midwinter Meeting for the third consecutive year. The conference, which took place in Baltimore, MD, in February, 2015, brought together more than a thousand of the...