Oct 7, 2018 | All Articles, Featured, News Updates
Many people are like Cindy, whose life has been significantly impacted by hyperacusis (noise-induced pain). Our mission is to raise money for scientific solutions, as we work to spread awareness of this debilitating condition. Please join us for this event.
Mar 31, 2018 | All Articles, Featured, Research News
For Hyperacusis Research, collaboration has always been more than a catch phrase in our mission statement. While we have enabled strong collaboration for years at the ARO Midwinter meeting, this year the effort was expanded. Building on the Hyperacusis
Nov 27, 2017 | All Articles, Featured, Patient Stories
One evening a year ago, Cindy Redmond was at a friend’s house. Her friend’s stepfather, annoyed that Cindy was chatting on her phone at the table, blasted her with an air horn. Cindy felt a burst of pain in her ears. Within days, she could no longer attend school.
Nov 26, 2017 | All Articles, Featured, Research News
Bryan Pollard, President of Hyperacusis Research, recently visited the Polley research lab at Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary, a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital. The research overview was led by Pooja Balaram, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow. The research lab focuses on the mechanisms
Nov 24, 2017 | All Articles, Featured, News Updates
Bryan Pollard, President of Hyperacusis Research, along with board member Michael Maholchic and his wife Betsy, attended the 8th annual Sense-ation! Gala for Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI). Over 500 people attended the event.
Oct 30, 2017 | All Articles, Featured, Research News
Partnering for Cures is an inspirational annual event focused on accelerating patient-centered solutions and creating meaningful collaborations. The event is sponsored by FasterCures, a Washington, D.C.-based Center of the Milken Institute, which has a goal