Feb 14, 2024 | All Articles, Blog, Featured, News Updates
Meet the board of Hyperacusis Research! Our friends at Tinnitus Hub kindly made this video introducing people to three of our board members. We are dedicated to promoting research for a cure and improving the lives of those suffering from hyperacusis. You will hear...
Dec 13, 2023 | All Articles, Blog, Featured, News Updates, Research News
Hyperacusis Research is pleased to announce a new research grant for 2024 funded by us, and awarded through our partner, Hearing Health Foundation. The recipient of the 2024 grant is Wei Sun, Ph.D., of the University at Buffalo. The title of the new research project...
Aug 30, 2023 | All Articles, Blog, Featured, Research News
The Scientific Advisory Board of Hyperacusis Research, Ltd. sponsored a luncheon meeting at the February meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology in Orlando. The goal of the meeting was to promote information exchange about patient experiences of and...
Jun 13, 2023 | All Articles, Featured, Patient Stories
By Frank Magnusson I am an aerospace engineer and former test pilot with hyperacusis. Hyperacusis is poorly understood, and there is so much conflicting advice that I had to examine it from an engineering problem-solving approach to learn to deal with it on a daily...
Jun 6, 2023 | All Articles, Blog, Featured, Patient Stories
By Stuart Colwill Nine years ago, when I was a teacher, I started to notice that minor sounds (doors opening, pens tapping, keys jangling, birds chirping, coughing, sudden laughter) were becoming distressing, making me recoil and throwing me off track. My students...
Dec 13, 2022 | All Articles, Featured, Patient Stories
Growing up, I developed a deep love of music that came from always being surrounded by it. My maternal grandfather always had oldies playing on the radio. My mother was a huge Rod Stewart fan. When my father would pick me up every other weekend, we’d listen to ’70’s...