BBC News: “Hearing my children’s laughter is like torture.”
Karen Cook, a former flight attendant, shared her story with the BBC, describing how pain hyperacusis has so drastically altered her life.

Hyperacusis; an Engineering Perspective
By Frank Magnusson I am an aerospace engineer and former test pilot with hyperacusis. Hyperacusis is poorly understood, and there is so much conflicting advice that I had to examine it from an engineering problem-solving approach to learn to deal with it on a daily...
Stuart’s Story: “The audiologist had never come across hyperacusis in real life. The staff were wondering why I was flinching at the sound of heels tapping along the shiny floor.”
By Stuart Colwill Nine years ago, when I was a teacher, I started to notice that minor sounds (doors opening, pens tapping, keys jangling, birds chirping, coughing, sudden laughter) were becoming distressing, making me recoil and throwing me off track. My students...
Scott’s Hyperacusis Story: I can no longer be a father to my children
Growing up, I developed a deep love of music that came from always being surrounded by it. My maternal grandfather always had oldies playing on the radio. My mother was a huge Rod Stewart fan. When my father would pick me up every other weekend, we’d listen to ’70’s...