Patient Stories
Like many disabling disorders, hyperacusis is invisible. The sounds that cause pain are also invisible — yet the impact is profound. Hyperacusis affects every aspect of a person’s life — work, home, school, family, friends. Setbacks are common, setting off new cycles of pain that can last indefinitely.
The following are a few guidelines to go by if you can. But it’s most important to tell your story in your own words. What do you think started your hyperacusis? What is your history of noise / music / headphone exposure? What is the pain like and how long does it last? What triggers new cycles of pain? Has any management approach made a difference for you? How has hyperacusis altered your life? Please also do not make your story too “short” or too “long” – in between is perfect, around 800 to 1,000 words.
If you would like to share your story, please contact us here.
For even more stories, check out this page from our friends at Hyperacusis Central.
Read Patient Stories
Jesse’s Story
Jesse's hyperacusis was caused by exposure to loud weapons in the military. Now, eight years after the initial onset, Jesse struggles to find ways to do simple things like fishing with his son because even a loud voice can create pain. After following a treatment...