Hyperacusis Research News

Hyperacusis Research Supports New ERG Grant

Hyperacusis Research Supports New ERG Grant

Along with our partner, the Hearing Health Foundation, we are excited to announce our Emerging Research Grant for this 2016. It goes to Xiying Guan, Ph.D., of the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary and Harvard Medical School. He will be studying hyperacusis caused...

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An MD Summary of the 2016 ARO Hyperacusis Symposium

An MD Summary of the 2016 ARO Hyperacusis Symposium

Dr. Iver Juster, a Family Medicine physician, gives his expert summary of this important symposium which convened researchers, clinicians, educators and—importantly—the voice of the patient—to coordinate our growing knowledge of this challenging disabling condition.

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2016 ARO Collaboration Meetings

2016 ARO Collaboration Meetings

Hyperacusis Research was excited to participate in the Association for Research in Otolaryngology’s Midwinter Meeting for the fourth consecutive year. The conference, which took place in San Diego, CA, in February, 2016, brought together more than a thousand of the...

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Auditory Nociception and Pain Hyperacusis Symposium

Auditory Nociception and Pain Hyperacusis Symposium

Bryan Pollard, president of Hyperacusis Research, introduced the well-received symposium on “Auditory Nociception and Pain Hyperacusis” at the 2016 Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Mid-winter Meeting in San Diego. He began with a key slide from his...

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Management of the Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Patient

Management of the Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Patient

Rich Tyler, Professor of Otolaryngology at the University of Iowa College of Medicine, is leading the 24th annual Management of the Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Patient Conference.  While the focus of the conference is for otologists, audiologists, and health care...

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2016 ARO Symposium Focuses on Hyperacusis

2016 ARO Symposium Focuses on Hyperacusis

Bryan Pollard, President of Hyperacusis Research, was excited to partner with Jaime García-Añoveros from Northwestern University and Charlie Liberman from Harvard Medical School to organize a symposium at the upcoming ARO 2016 Mid-winter Meeting titled:

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New In-depth Study on Hyperacusis in Children

New In-depth Study on Hyperacusis in Children

Dr. David Baguley shared his most recent paper with Hyperacusis Research titled: “Prevalence and risk factors for reduced sound tolerance (hyperacusis) in children.”  There are a limited number of free downloads available. Dr. Baguley works in the Audiology Department...

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2015 Discussions with SUNY Researchers

2015 Discussions with SUNY Researchers

An important function of Hyperacusis Research is to accelerate research by connecting researchers to the challenges of patients’ hyperacusis condition including noise-induced pain. We meet with researchers regularly to discuss the planned research and probe to see how...

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Hyperacusis Research was grateful for this comprehensive review of the Second International Conference on Hyperacusis which was summarized by Iver Juster, MD.  The summary provides insights into vital hyperacusis topics and offers an excellent analysis of possible...

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